table of contents

  1. prelude


  2. highlights

    hand-picked work

  3. information

    quench your curiosity about me

  4. work archive

    more to satisfy your tastebuds

  5. hire me

    the hows and whys

view work by tag

animals, annual report, blog, brochure, catalog, consumer, copy, corporate, css, dance, ecommerce, icon, identity, integrated, integration, medical, personal, podcast cover, print, products, retail, screen, software, template, user interface, wallpaper, web, webapps, wordpress, zencart

why hire me?

I do not just make things pretty, I like to make things work.... more


answers to frequently asked questions... more

Know, me for who I am, ideas that I stand for and the journey I've been through to be here with you today.

get to know me a little bit more

more information


I am an independent, integrated girl-designer living on the island of Singapore (which is an independent nation and not part of China or Malaysia, really).

I live, breathe, and love all things design. I advocate web standards, usability, love typography, with an exceptional intrigue for identity design and hand-lettering.

I live, breathe, and love all things design.

In July 2007, I made the decision to bid farewell to full-time employment, and am now available for remote work and opportunities.

I work towards being location-independent.

other interesting bits

I heart Manchester United , seldom miss a live match on tv, travel when my finances allow me to and love to read. I tend to buy too many books and have too little time to finish them. I remain hopeful though.

A freethinker, I believe in God but not restricted to any particular religion. Strongly influenced by spiritual concepts such as karma, synchronicity, I feel that the skies tell us more than we would like to believe.

Everything happens for a reason, and that includes you, reading this passage now. :)

About the site

The site design is an attempt to fully utilize the capabilities of css without the use of any imagery apart from the work itself, with the exception of one or two calligraphic flourishes used for the sidebar.

…fully utilize the capabilities of css without the use of any imagery…

I wanted to use a strict grid as well, push the limits of web typography (only using web fonts) and a restrained color palette to create a simple, well-structured, usable design.

It was also a conscious effort for the site to use minimal gradients, avoiding any form of shiny effects for the true beauty of the design to shine through.

I doubt my css will validate, due to a little hack or two for lovely IE, with an intention to include a separate stylesheet in the foreseeable future.

I coded the site by hand though, with the backing of textpattern and the help of Coda, with a home-made css column-grid framework, all on my beloved macbook.