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Memory Devices
completed Mar 2007
Annual report design for memory chip manufacturer Memory Devices.
Wrote the copy for the cover, as well as the initial copy for the divider spreads that was further edited before publication.
The cover headline, “Capturing the best memories”, also has a dual concept, that the core-business of the company involves manufacturing products that captures the best memories, as well as that the annual report provides “the best memories” of the previous fiscal year, i.e. financial highlights and performances.
The cover shows an image of a consumer enjoying the use of three products that will all individually appear on a series of spreads.
The series of three spreads, each compromising of four pages, is conceptualized with a unique die-cut concept, allowing the core business of the company to be conveyed through the four-page divider,
The first two-page spread involves imagery depicting how the chip products have influenced end consumers, with a headline copy that reflects both the consumer influence, as well as the company strengths. The right side shows a smaller image with a die-cut.
On page turn, the die-cut captures a portion of the main image on the previous page, demonstrating how various sources of information can be stored by the product shown on the right.
The core concept of these dividers shows how integral a memory chip has become a part of our daily life, whether personal or commercial, and the ways that the company strives to empower both end-consumers and other businesses through its products.
cover design

divider spread with diecut

die-cut that serves a significant purpose to convey the idea; i.e music cds that can be stored in a flash memory card and used in a mobile phone, with the mobile phone appearing next page.

divider spreads showing the company's latest GPS product.

close-ups of text and graphs